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Tuesday, February 24

so i started another new phase in my life. and im loving it.

though i get home later everyday, and i work myself to bits everyday, im loving it.

the new environment, new friends, colleagues, new things to learn. excites me.

and im glad he is here with me, to share my excitement.

hmmm i saw the cat at 9:08:00 PM


Wednesday, January 21

i am in this phase where i am just so tired of everything.

started a few days ago.
just so sian of my useless job.
sian of my clothes, my handphone, my computer.
sian of the things i do, the places i go.
sian of people, and my cute little hamster.

and then of somebody. sometimes here, sometimes not.
sometimes damn onz, sometimes damn cold.

its killing me. i just hope that i get out of this before the new year.

hmmm i saw the cat at 8:32:00 PM


Friday, January 16

oh man. it has been years since i last logged in.
i even forgot my username and password.

anyway, hello everyone.

sweet memories, oh, i wish i was still in school, in JC, in ntu.

hmmm i saw the cat at 12:44:00 AM


Sunday, September 10


been really busy lately. i go to sch at 830am 4 days a week. i come home in the late afternoon. and by 8pm, im too tired to move.

2 more weeks! and i'll be off to bangkok! shop shop shop! too bad he cant come with me! its me n my parents.... =[

anybody willing to take care of my 3 hamsters while im aways for 4 days?

meanwhile, enjoy my beloved corgi.

hmmm i saw the cat at 8:56:00 PM


Sunday, August 20

wa. it has been a long time....

2 weeks of sch.. tiring. super alot of work now that im yr 2.
i have piles n piles of articles to read every single night.
i'm missing all my shows at nite. =[

i'm into babydoll tops now a days....BUT everyone including my sis says i look pregnant in it. !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
but its so pretty!

i have a proj to do but im still here, sigh.

hmmm i saw the cat at 11:02:00 AM


Friday, July 21

i didnt win yesterday's singapore sweep. 2 million gone, wasted 3 bux.
neither did i win today's toto. wasted my 2 bux.

i need the $$$. anybody knows of any jobs that can earn me lots of $$$$?

hmmm i saw the cat at 1:20:00 AM


Monday, July 10

This is Hammie.
he died this morning at 8.10am.
i saw him struggling, gasping for air. i dunno what happened to him.
2 yrs and 2 months old.
i'll miss you forever ham. i love u ham!
hope you are up there eating all ur nuts!

hmmm i saw the cat at 1:04:00 AM


Wednesday, July 5

angry! super angry!
i woke up at so early to register my subjects at 930am sharp.
but by the time i loaded n signed in, all the afternoon slots have been taken!
this means i must take the 830 slots. which means i have to wake up super early for 4 days.!

angry! i cannot wake up so early everyday!
y are there so few spaces!?


hmmm i saw the cat at 11:35:00 AM


Thursday, June 29

last night's mambo was fun! =]

hmmm i saw the cat at 10:58:00 PM


Wednesday, June 28


yesterday after tuition, bought cheese fries from KFC.
at nite stomachache. whole nite.
today during aerobics class, wanted to pang sai. den must ren.
kao. hate KFC.

mambo later! =] see all of u there!

hmmm i saw the cat at 2:45:00 PM


i love this cat.

adopt your own virtual pet!
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